Police became aware of the videos and images, known as 'The Tara Series' in June, 2006, when police in Brisbane tipped off the FBI's Innocent Images Unit in Washington DC about an international child porn ring. 'The images have become increasingly violent, with the latest showing the subject wielding a large knife toward the victim,' the FBI affidavit states. The attacks were filmed, photographed and distributed to an international internet paedophile ring. The victim was first abused when she was five, US authorities allege. The story of how the tall, bearded, heavy-set 38-year-old father of two was arrested on Monday began in Brisbane in 2006. In what police described as a race against time, tennis coach James 'Bart' Huskey is finally behind bars in a high-security US jail in Atlanta, Georgia, accused of committing and filming despicable sexual crimes on a young girl over a four-year period. AN international investigation that began in Australia has caught a paedophile halfway across the world after brilliant, painstaking police work.